How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
We know that Nickerson's predecessor, the cabin boy Joseph Underwood of Salem, received a 1/198 lay for the previous voyage. (1.61)
To put this in context, Nickerson will probably make a couple hundred bucks for two years of work. Talk about a low minimum wage. Basically, the whale fishery owners know that "green" sailors like Nickerson are dime a dozen. If he decides to complain, they'll fire him faster than you can say "labor violation."
Quote #5
They might "act the Quaker," but that didn't keep them from pursuing profits with a lethal enthusiasm. (1.66)
The weirdest part about this whole business is that it's run by Quakers. Quakerism, in case you are unaware, is a brand of Christianity known for its strict pacifism, its dedication to social justice, and its passionate opposition to slavery. Those beliefs don't seem to apply to the Nantucketers' business dealings, however.
Quote #6
While it would be unfair to point to Paul Macy as responsible [...] the first step toward that future began with Macy's decision to save a little money in beef and hardtack. (1.69)
We're not convinced this is entirely unfair. It has already been established that the Essex was in dire need of repairs before it launched from Nantucket. And then the bosses undercut them on food on top of that? That's not going to fly. At a certain point, Macy and his peers are just setting up their crews for failure.