In the Heart of the Sea Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Nathaniel Philbrick's writing career has always revolved around boats, in some form or fashion. After spending several years as a freelance writer for Sailing World Magazine, Philbrick created a hilarious parody mag called Yaahting that mocks the conventions of sailing world. Articles include "How to Walk Down a Dock." Seriously. (Source.)

Philbrick comes from a fairly famous literary family—he has three living relatives who currently work as writers. This includes Rodman Philbrick, known for YA novels like REM World and Freak the Mighty. (Source.)

During the height of the Cold War, John F. Kennedy had a personal bomb shelter built in Nantucket. The reason? It was one of the dude's favorite vacation spots. (Source.)

Though they might seem like gentle giants, sperm whales are feared throughout the sea as brutal fighters. In particular, they frequently battle giant squid, often winning and devouring their foe whole. Don't believe us? Check out Exhibit A.