Fear Quotes in In the Heart of the Sea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Some of the men slept and others "wasted the night in unavailing murmurs," Chase wrote. Once, he admitted, he found himself braking into tears. (5.56)

After the Essex sinks, things get hopeless immediately. Saying that they're "up a creek without a paddle" doesn't even begin to cover it—these dudes are in the middle of the ocean, thousands of miles away from land without a paddle. This sort of isolation has the potential to drive them mad.

Quote #5

It was terrifying duty—straining to see what threat would next emerge from the darkness. (6.1)

Sometimes, not knowing is the scariest part. These men are trapped in a place without light and sound, leaving them with only their wild imaginations to paint the scene.

Quote #6

Once the crew had been given specific tasks to accomplish, the change in morale was swift. (6.5)

It's a lot easier to manage your fear when you have a goal to work toward. Often, fear is rooted in feelings of powerlessness, so the best way to be brave is to keep your eyes on the prize.