Friendship Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The funny thing was, I never really bought into Kim's notion that they were somehow bound together through me—until just now when I saw her half carrying him down the hospital corridor. (10.94)

Just as Mia attends Adam's shows because she loves him, Kim goes to Adam and takes him to the hospital because she loves Mia as her best friend. Kim doesn't do this for Adam's sake. She does it because she knows that's what Mia would want.

Quote #8

"Now I get why you and Mia are such peas in a pod. A pair of Cassandras." (11.26)

Cassandra is the Greek version of Debbie Downer, only with psychic powers. The idea is that Kim and Mia somehow understand things better than others do. Is that the case? How so?

Quote #9

Now she's here acting like his best friend. That's the power of the scene, I guess. (12.3)

The music scene brings people together because if you the like the same kind of music, then maybe you have other kinds of things in common, too. Adam would never have fallen for Mia if she didn't love music, and he is friends with rock chick Brooke because they know each other professionally.