Friendship Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We were friends, just as everyone had assumed all along that we would be. (7.35)

Sometimes other people know better than you do. People seem pretty invested in Mia's life and all of her choices, including which classmates she should and should not naturally like. Looks like Mia's a pretty lucky girl—even if she doesn't realize it.

Quote #5

I expected the three of us to become the best of friends. I expected Adam to love everyone I loved as much as I did. (10.72)

Because Mia and Kim are so similar, she expects Kim to love Adam, and vice-versa. But Mia and Kim do have differences. This is one of them. Why is it that Kim doesn't like Adam as much as Mia does?

Quote #6

"You're two of the most important people in my life." (10.88)

Here Mia puts Kim on the same level as Adam, but we'll later see that while she would stay alive for Adam, Mia would die if Kim were the only one waiting for her. Oh, well. True love.