Art and Culture Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I understood what it was like to merge your energy with the mob's and to absorb theirs as well. (9.71)

Cello is a solo pursuit. A mosh pit is not. Mia steps out of her comfort zone and enjoys being in the middle of the huge group. It's a totally different type of musical experience, and a different type of communal experience, too.

Quote #8

The truth was, I could no sooner quit cello cold turkey than I could stop breathing. (11.50)

Music is part of Mia's lifeblood, and we'll see at the end of the book that cello music is what brings her back to life.

Quote #9

"It just seems like your cello is part of who you are. I can't imagine you without that thing between your legs." (11.60)

That's what she said. 

Oh, wait. That's what he said. But okay, Gayle Forman, we get it. Music is sexy, and playing music is even sexier.