Art and Culture Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Dad] says that jazz is punk for old people. (5.12)

This is a good quote, because it's true. Both styles of music flout conventions and have performers who like to do whatever they want and explore their genres in any way they see fit. Jazz usually has less blood on stage, of course, but now we're just quibbling.

Quote #5

I loved to watch him play. When he was onstage, it was like the guitar was a fifth limb, a natural extension of his body. (6.18)

The "fifth limb" comment creates an erotic image with Adam and his guitar, making him seem very, um, masculine. Seriously, though, rocker guys with guitars—they've always been magnets.

Quote #6

"I want you to play me like a cello." (6.41)

Oh, we see how it is, Adam. The erotic quality of music continues with the "play me like a cello" scene, where Mia runs her cello bow over Adam's body. It's either romantic or ridiculous; come to think of it, romance is often kind of ridiculous, though we love it, anyway.