Imperialism: Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Sentence)

Quote #4

The republican party has accepted the European idea and planted itself upon the ground taken by George III., and by every ruler who distrusts the capacity of the people for self-government or denies them a voice in their own affairs. (48)

If Bryan had written this speech after WWII he would be calling the Republican Party a bunch of Hitler-following Nazis. Instead, comparing them to King George III-following monarchists was the worst political slur he could think of.

Quote #5

If, in this country where the people have a right to vote, republican leaders dare not take the side of the people against the great monopolies which have grown up within the last few years, how can they be trusted to protect the Filipinos from the corporations which are waiting to exploit the islands? (51)

We think you get the picture that Bryan was trying to paint with all of these quotes. Republicans = bad.