1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Nelson Rockefeller's Concession Speech

    1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Nelson Rockefeller's Concession Speech

      Sometimes concession speeches are sweet and kind, wishing the victor good luck in future endeavors and pledging support.

      And sometimes, they're like this one.

      Watch and listen to eight minutes of thoughtful moderate Republican ideology with a side of Sore Loser and a sprinkling of It's Your Loss. We can hear the chanting, boos, and catcalling of the non-Rocky fans in the audience.

      What we can't see are the people throwing paper at him as he took the stage (paper? really?) or the little pushing match he had with Chairman Morton before he tried to begin his speech.

      Rockefeller's point (made on July 14, 1964) was that Goldwater extremism was, in fact, a vice—even if it was, in Barry's words, "in the defense of liberty."

      These extremists feed on fear, hate and terror. They have no program for America - no program for the Republican party. They have no solution for our problems of chronic unemployment, of education of agriculture, or racial injustice or strife.

      These extremists have no plan and no program to keep the peace and bring freedom to the world.

      On the contrary - they spread distrust. They engender suspicion. They encourage disunity. And they operate from the dark shadows of secrecy.

      Politics, man. It's a dirty, dangerous business.