1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Barry Goldwater, "Freedom"

    1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Barry Goldwater, "Freedom"

      Twenty years later (August 22, 1984), it was BG's turn to endorse Ronald Reagan for President.

      Why do we love this speech? Because it's quick, it's easy to read, and the Senator quotes himself and his 1964 acceptance speech not once but twice before he's done.

      We also love it because it's like Part Two of that 1964 speech: Do we have Democrat-blaming? Check. Freedom-loving? Check. Communism-shaming? Check. Much love for strong national defense? Check, check, double-check.

      If Goldwater started the conservative revolution in the Republican Party, 1984 was the year it really all came together and said "Boo-yah!" Incumbent POTUS Ronald Reagan beat Walter Mondale in a landslide election, the likes of which hadn't been seen since… 1964.

      See? It really is like a sequel to the 1964 convention.

      And who doesn't love a good sequel?