The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

On the other hand, all Negroes looked similar to white men but white men did not usually bother to fix the face of a Negro in their minds. So the white man said, "What you want, Reverend?"

The familiar joking title nettled him. "I am not a minister," he said. [...]

The deputy was like other white men in that a clearly enunciated speech maddened him. (2.10.78-80)

This sheriff is one bad dude. He embodies the very worst of racist thinking and bigotry, and his scenes with Doctor Copeland are upsetting. He seems to think it's a-okay to dismiss black people as all the same. He's callous and cruel – the worst of the worst.

Quote #14

Mick whispered to Portia, "What's your father's name?"

"He named Benedict Mady Copeland."

Mick leaned over close to Doctor Copeland and shouted in his face as though he were deaf.

"Benedict, don't you think some hot coffee would make you feel a bit better?" (2.10.45-48)

Mick typically calls grown-ups Mr. Singer or Mr. Brannon. She doesn't use their first names because that would be rude. But when she learns Doctor Copeland's name, she calls him by his first name instead of addressing him more formally. What does that tell us?