The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He listened, and in his face there was something gentle and Jewish, the knowledge of one who belongs to a race that is oppressed. (2.3.1)

Everyone sees what they want to see in Singer, so it makes sense that Copeland identifies Singer as a member of another "oppressed" group of people to further solidify their connection. But is that really fair to Singer?

Quote #8

"I were holding my hand to my back and looking up at the sky when suddenly I seen this little angel. It were a little white girl angel [...] with yellow hair and a white robe. Just flying around near the sun." (2.3.94)

This passage comes after Grandpapa had expressed his wish for Jesus to turn him white, and this image of what an angel should look like, and what a sign from God should be, further emphasizes this theme of people prizing whiteness.

Quote #9

Mick had heard Portia say that before, but she had thought it was a tale. How could a colored man be a doctor? (1.3.100)

It's scary to see how easily Mick spouts off these racist views. She's not a vicious person, and she's certainly not trying to be mean or judgmental, but racism is so deeply ingrained that she can't think critically about it. She just accepts the racial status quo as a way of life.