Family Quotes in Having Our Say

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Children who were damaged were not institutionalized the way they are today. At least, among colored families, that was the way it was. (6.26.2)

Bessie would never even consider throwing family by the wayside just because it was convenient—that's not what Delanys do. Instead, she and Sadie treat Little Hubie as if he were the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Quote #8

"You're going to give up your career to take care of your mama!?" And I said, "Honey, let me tell you something. If you had my Mama you wouldn't think twice." (6.28.3)

Nanny sacrificed a lot for her children, so it's only right that Bessie pays her back. After all, Bessie would never have reached the heights of success that she did if her mother hadn't sacrificed so much for her sake.

Quote #9

She didn't want brass fixtures that gleamed like gold; she wanted me. She was an old lady and she wanted her child to just sit with her, to be near her. (6.28.5)

At first, Bessie feels pressure to keep their house looking pristine for her mom's sake, but the reality is much simpler—Mom just wants to spend time with her daughter. Bessie will understand this more once she gets older herself.