Family Quotes in Having Our Say

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When a decision had to be made, Sadie had the last word, but Bessie kept everybody in line. (5.15.15)

Among the kids, Sadie is the boss and Bessie is the muscle. To put it in superhero terms: Sadie is Cyclops and Bessie is Wolverine.

Quote #5

We all relied on each other. Throughout the years we lived in Harlem [...] all of the brothers and sisters saw each other at least once a day. (5.20.12)

The kids keep the family together even after they move to Harlem. This not only keeps their bonds alive, but gives each of them the support they need to succeed in their chosen field.

Quote #6

People who don't know nothing about my courting days—don't know I lived a clean life—they kind of raise their eyebrows when I talk about my "daughter." But I don't care. (5.25.32)

Family is deeper than blood. Can't you remember all of Sadie and Bessie's "aunts" and "uncles" at St. Aug's? With that in mind, it's a little less surprising that Bessie would treat a girl with no relation as if she were her flesh-and-blood.