Grease Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Grease.

Quote #1

DANNY: It's not spoiling it, Sandy. It's only making it better.

This line, after a kiss, shows the difference in Danny and Sandy's attitudes toward physically affection. Sandy resists because she wants to remain wholesome and pure. But Danny wants to show how macho he is by getting physical with Sandy.

Quote #2

RIZZO: She looks too pure to be pink.

Every clique gets together because they have something in common. Rizzo's comment here implies that the Pink Ladies, if they had a clubhouse, would hang a big sign on the door that says NO VIRGINS ALLOWED.

Quote #3

RIZZO: True love and he didn't lay a hand on ya? Sounds like a creep to me.

The women sing about romance, the men sing about physical affection. Rizzo acts as a bridge between the two. She doesn't understand how one can exist without the other.