Technology and Modernization Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7


Communication technology spreads bogus articles about Salander and her friends the Evil Fingers, a rock band (who aren't Satanists, and who don't think it's our business whether they are lesbians are not).

Quote #8

Svensson had been dead only a few hours, and already his publisher [Blomkvist] was debating what to do with the work he had left behind. (14.36)

This gives us the shivers. It relates to technology because it's about publishing, but really it's an excuse for us to draw an eerie parallel. Like Svensson, Larsson dies leaving his publisher holding explosive material, namely the three novels before you.

Quote #9

They were hackers not saboteurs. They wanted access to functioning networks, not to destroy them. (21.71)

Important distinction, we think, though there's a fine line. Still, hackers, or hacktivists, are often committed to hacking for social justice and to helping networks find flaws in their security, and other fun stuff.