Technology and Modernization Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Her trespassing in his computer was not malicious: she just wanted to know what the company was working on, to see the lay of the land. (6.13)

Salander feels she has every right to snoop on those she's close to, and not so close to. In this case, Armansky is the target. We bet Armansky doesn't see things in quite the same context as she does.

Quote #5

An electric shock went through [Armansky]. She's done it again. She's flung out a line about a case she absolutely cannot know a thing about. (8.78)

That's why Salander surfs Armansky's files before visiting him in person. She finds a case in his files and gives him a useful tip as is her annoying habit. She loves giving people info she'd have to be psychic to know. Blomkvist busts her as a hacker (in Tattoo) when he catches her quoting a note from his computer.

Quote #6

From her jacket pocket she took a handful of small bits of crispbread, which she placed carefully on the parquet floor in the dark. I anyone tried to follow her […] the crunching noise would alert her. (10.35)

We love this, and can't wait to try it out. Sometimes, technology doesn't have to be fancy to be effective.