Justice and Judgment Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Blomkvist: "Let me give you a piece of advice. Don't guess. Don't jump to conclusions." (16.76)

This is Blomkvist advising Malin Eriksson, who's helping him with the investigation. We think it's good advice for any situation.

Quote #8

Armansky was a realist. If the police told him that a person was suspected of murder, the chances were that it was true. So Salander was guilty. (16.129)

Oh, Armansky. Now who's a crappy friend? But, let's clarify, he believes she's the killer, but that she had a good reason for doing the killing. He's still in her corner, and still prepared to stand by her.

Quote #9

"So, hard-rocking lesbian Satanists," Faste said. (17.85)

Faste is one of the detectives on the team investigating the triple murders. He likes to believe the worst about any woman he comes across, and hates Salander from the moment he sees her. He might sound like he's joking here, but he really isn't.