Justice and Judgment Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mia: "I can't use real names. I might get criticism for it during my oral exams, but I cannot name the girls. It would put them in real, mortal danger. And obviously I can't identify the johns either, since they could work out which of the girls I had talked to." (8.233)

Dag feels justice is best served by naming those he's accusing (with Mia having arrest warrants served on them when the article comes out). Mia feels justice for the victims is best served by not naming names. But, wouldn't people be able to connect her dissertation with her boyfriend's article and book?

Quote #5

"Our investigation, damn it." Berger suddenly raised her voice. "Dag was a journalist and he was working for Millennium. If he was killed because of his job, I want to know about it." (12.82)

We love Berger in this moment and see why she's the big boss at Millennium. She too considers journalism as an arm of justice. She doesn't wait and strikes as fast as possible. In some ways, she and Salander are a lot alike.

Quote #6

Sometime after midnight [Blomkvist] decided that he couldn't accept the police's assumption that she had murdered Svensson and Johansson. At the very least, he owed her a chance to explain herself before he passed judgment. (15.170)

This is Blomkvist, deciding where he plans to stand in the drama – with Salander, or against her. Lucky for us all, he chooses properly. This is good; we couldn't take it if he stopped believing in her.