Isolation Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

According to the Geneva Conventions, subjecting prisoners to sensory deprivation was classified as inhumane. (21.27)

The Geneva Conventions are concerned with ethics in times of war. This passage is arguing that children in St. Stephan's psychiatric hospital, including herself, are subjected to treatment deemed inhumane even in war.

Quote #8

Salander in love. What a f***ing joke. (29.50)

He would never find out. She would never give him the satisfaction. (29.51)

Salander's mistrust of Blomkvist, and her own pride and low self-esteem isolate Salander from what could easily be a warm friendship, at least, with Blomkvist.

Quote #9

Paolo Roberto: "It turns out that he suffers from a very rare condition called congenital analgesia. […] Or in lay terms, [Ronald Niedermann] can't feel pain." (30.53)

This is so outrageous it's hilarious. We love it. But, on the sad side, this would totally isolate Niedermann from 'normal' life. Even more than Salander, Niedermann is the poster-child for isolation. Not that this gives him any excuse for committing all those horrible crimes.