Isolation Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Bublanski: The psychiatric evaluation that was done when Salander was eighteen concludes that she is mentally retarded. (20.16)

Labels can really isolate people, and it's easy to be careless with them. As Detective Modig learns from master isolator Teleborian himself, Salander's diagnoses are based on her failure to participate, her failure to speak. When someone refuses to speak, there's little we can validly assume about them.

Quote #5

"Well, after this, Salander is going to be sitting in a psychiatric ward for a long time." (20.276)

The speaker of these lines is a mystery. All we know is that the person is Björck's boss, and that it's not Zala. Likely, it's somebody high up in the Secret Police, but it could be anybody. Will we learn the identity of the mystery speaker in final book of the trilogy?

Quote #6

The room contained only a bed with a restraining belt. The textbook explanation was that unruly children could not receive any "stimuli" that might trigger an outburst. (21.26)

This is from Salander's perspective. Apparently, she wasn't the only child to receive this treatment, though we don't get the numbers. What do you think about it? Is this ever appropriate for kids to be treated this way, or for adults for that matter?