Gender Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When it later turned out that Norgren had been convicted for sexual offenses twice before, the prosecutor decided to drop the case. But that did not mean the social welfare report on Salander was set aside. (21.10)

Even Salander's defense of herself against a known sexual predator is turned against her. Notice that even though the case against Salander is dropped, Norgren isn't charged or punished in any way for assaulting her. Furthermore, her enemies have no problem using the social welfare report depicting the incident to paint her as a violent criminal.

Quote #8

The press would rip him to shreds. A member of the Security Police who exploited teenage prostitutes…If only those f***ing c***s hadn't been so young. (23.29)

This is Gunnar Björck thinking about his plight. Typical of a bad guy in a Larsson novel, he doesn't feel bad that he abused women, only that he might be exposed. His thoughts reflect a general attitude toward women as disposable sex objects.

Quote #9

It was no report. It was a cover-up. Zalachenko was more important than Agneta Salander. He could not be identified or exposed. He did not exist. (28.142)

Even though quite a few people must have known about the beating Salander's mother was getting from Zala, nobody really cared about her except her daughter. This is in large part because the Secret Police are protecting Zala, but also seems to suggest a general indifference toward women being physically abused.