Gender Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mia: "In this sense there is sort of a gender perspective to my thesis. It's not often that a researcher can establish roles along gender lines so clearly. Girls – victims; boys – perpetrators." (5.36)

What do you think of this? Is it true to real life? Is Mia a biased researcher? Would her research be more helpful if she were to include male victims and female victimizers? Or, does she need to keep her focus narrow to make her point? Assuming there are male victims of the sex trade, are these males less vulnerable than the females? Why, or why not?

Quote #5

Faste: "S***, the whores are looking worse all the time. You'd have to be pretty desperate to pick her up." (14.17)

When Detective Faste makes this observation about Salander, we are pretty sure he's a nasty guy. We aren't very surprised when he tells Inspector Modig he thinks she's not fit to be a policeperson. His condemnation of Modig, who seems to be the most competent member of the team, seems wholly based on her gender.

Quote #6


The media has a field day with the rumors that Salander is a lesbian Satanist. Of course, the Satanist thing is totally bogus, but she does have sex with women. But why should this matter? Have you seen the media in your country use a person's sexuality against them? Or not?