Versions of Reality Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

These weren't in a dream. The bodies in the water weren't a dream. This is a memory. Her own. (22.60)

In some cases, we actually think we're dreaming, but we're not. Dreaming can distort what we think is the truth sometimes; it's like dreams and memory are in a constant battle.

Quote #8

"The truth can be manipulated. But we live within a secret within a secret within a secret. That's why we can make anything happen, Partridge. Anything at all." (34.58)

Yikes. This is both the most inspiring and the most terrifying thing we've ever heard: delusion is a powerful, powerful force.

Quote #9

She's had dreams where she gives birth to something furred, mangled, fanged, its ribs glittering with glass. (52.3)

This is called a nightmare, folks. They aren't pretty, but they can tell us a lot about our true fears and anxieties.