How It All Goes Down
Partridge (Soul)
- Wakey, wakey Partridge: it's time to talk to your new sister.
- Iralene looks young and beautiful, but she's very timid.
- Since Partridge is thoroughly creeped out (as he should be), he decides to ask about his father. He's very sick. But don't worry: Iralene has supreme confidence that he'll be okay.
- By the way, she's totally coming on to Partridge. Ugh.
- Finally, Partridge realizes that he might need Iralene to escape, seeing that she's crazy in love with him. He tells her he needs to get to Durand Glassings, his old history teacher.
- She tells him she won't tell a soul; but also gives him a gift. She tells him to follow the music, and that she doesn't actually play the piano.