Mortality Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He thinks for a moment that it's Death […] "Death is coming," El Capitan says, "to steal our souls." (73.44)

El Capitan personifies death (notice how he uses a capital "D"), and suggests that death is there to "steal."

Quote #8

"I'm Pure already. You are too. Let me die that way." (75.37)

Bradwell's come to terms with his death, but Pressia denies him the peace of death. This brings up the question of whether or not we should have the choice in preserving or ending the lives of others.

Quote #9

His mother dead.

His brother dead.

The entire world dead, dead, dying, and dead. (75.120)

Yikes. So much death. No wonder Partridge is such a Gloomy Gus.