Mortality Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Partridge remembers the stench of ash and death shuttled around on the wind. Blood. The iron-scented air after his brother and mother were killed. That's death. (48.58)

Death isn't fully realized until it's observed: for Partridge, seeing his mother die is what allows him to understand death.

Quote #5

It's like his body has already started to wish Bradwell dead and gone, and there's nothing his conscience can do about it. (73.12)

Sometimes we wish that other people would just go away. It's horrible, but it happens—El Capitan is just pointing out a simple truth.

Quote #6

The thought appears in his mind: he killed Bradwell. He imagined him dead and now he's dead. (73.19)

Not quite how it works, El Capitan. But this quote shows that Cap is a character with a conscience: he's worried that his death-wish for Bradwell turned into death-reality.