Freak the Mighty Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Then he's gliding away, and I hold myself still in case this is a trick and he's really sneaking up behind me to see if I can get my hands loose. (19.19)

Max is alone in a basement—this time, with his murderer dad hovering close by. Do you think the author wrote this scene in a basement to make us think of the down under? Why or why not?

Quote #8

On the way home he goes, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Just leave me alone," I say. (24.42-43)

Even after all the craziness that's just gone down, Max still isn't super open about things. We guess you can't just change a person. But is Max changed in other ways?

Quote #9

I hid in the down under for days and days and kept the door closed, which is why I missed the funeral and the Fair Gwen going away. (25.2)

After Freak dies, Max goes so far back in his hole that he misses Freak's funeral. What do you think: jerk move? Or was it necessary in order for him to move on later?