Freak the Mighty Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I've already decided I'll run away if they do that, I'll go live in the woods somewhere and jump out and scare people. (13.18)

When things get rough, Max's instinct is to run away and be alone. What gives?

Quote #5

[…] but tonight the pond is empty as the moon, as empty as my head. (16.27)

This here is what we call a good old fashion simile. Okay, so Max feels empty inside. Is that because he's always isolated? Or does he keep to himself because he feels empty? Or could it be both?

Quote #6

"I bet they haven't even missed you," he says. "Kept you down in that cellar like an animal, how would they know?" (18.30)

Here's Max's dad being the not-so-smart dude we know him to be. He's claiming that Max's grandparents have forced Max to live in the basement. Not so much, Daddio. Unlike you, who forced your wife to stay away from the world, Max's grandparents are letting him do what he feels comfortable with.