Forrest Gump Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #7

LT. DAN: They even had a priest come and talk to me. He said God is listening, but I have to help myself.

Lt. Dan wanted just one thing from God: to let him die honorably on the battlefield. Any God who would help cripples (he thinks) isn't worth the breath it would take to pray to him.

Quote #8

LT. DAN: Now, if I accept Jesus into my heart, I'll get to walk beside him in the kingdom of heaven.

Ouch. Way to rub it in, guys. If there's one thing a newly wheelchair-bound man probably doesn't want to hear, it's anything about walking—heavenly or not.

Quote #9

LT. DAN: Where the hell's this God of yours?

FORREST: It's funny Lt. Dan said that 'cause right then God showed up.

And, boom. Right when Lt. Dan rejects God, God shows up … in the form of a massive hurricane that wipes out the region's shrimping industry, leaving a sea full of crustaceans for Lt. Dan and Forrest to rake in. How's that for responding to your call?