Forrest Gump Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #4

JENNY: You remember that time we prayed, Forrest? We prayed for God to turn me into a bird so I could fly far away?

When Jenny brings up this memory, she's not thinking back fondly on her childhood. Instead, she seems to be suggesting that, if God won't turn her into a bird, she'll take matters into her own hands—through suicide. We doubt God would be able to send the police this time.

Quote #5

LT. DAN: Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?

FORREST: I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.

Lt. Dan thinks it's a hoot—but not in a funny way—that Forrest doesn't know he's supposed to be looking for Jesus. After spending a lot of time in veterans' hospitals, he's had it up to here with people advising him to find Jesus when he just thinks it's a big lie to make him feel better about having no legs.

Quote #6

LT. DAN: That's all these cripples at the VA, that's all they ever talk about. Jesus this and Jesus that. Have I found Jesus?

Lt. Dan just can't with all of his veteran buddies in the hospital talking about how God has a plan for them. To him, it's all a cowardly smokescreen for refusing to face the horrible fact that the universe doesn't care about them.