Feminist Theory Texts - Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature by Donna Haraway (1991)

Folks, we ain't about to get tired of saying that cyborgs are the best. You can sign us up for anything that gives us room to gush about T-2 and TNG and BSG and any other nerd acronym you want to throw our way. But Donna Haraway's Simians, Cyborgs, and Women isn't just about sci-fi creatures: it's also about capitalism, labor practices, resource mining, and so much more. Seriously, friends: this cyborg-lovin' lady knows where it's at.

What does Donna Haraway think of the ways that women have traditionally been associated with nature? And why's she so fascinated by microchip technologies? Is she trying to tell us we live in the Matrix?