Feminist Theory Texts - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (1847)

Oh, Jane Eyre. We've read Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, and we know it's so wrong, so why does it feel so good? Why do we cheer when plucky, plain Jane gives Edward Rochester a piece of her mind, and why do we sigh when they finally make out? You gotta hand it to Charlotte Brontë: imperialist or not, the girl spins a good yarn.

There's nothing more fun than playing the "Is This Feminist?" game! Jane Eyre was published way back before the word "feminism" was even born, so why not ask yourself: what's at stake in calling this a feminist text?

Plus: where do you come down on the question of Bertha Mason? Is she Jane's "dark double"? Is she just sad and misunderstood? Does she highlight Charlotte Brontë's love for the British Empire? Get a-questioning!