Southern Charm and Southern Gothic Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Daniel led her toward a part of the cemetery Luce had never seen before, a clear, flat space where tow peach trees had grown together. Their trunks bowed toward each other, forming the outline of a heart in the air below them.

He led her under a strange, gnarled coupling of the branches and took her hands, tracking her fingers with his.

The evening was quite except for the song of crickets…It was as if, all of a sudden, she and Daniel were on a different plane of being from the rest of the school. Everything but his hand around hers, his hair shining in the light of the setting sun, his warm gray eyes—everything else felt so far away. (16.111-113)

For this most important scene—in which Daniel takes Luce to talk to her about the untold truths of how they know each other—Daniel picks the perfect spot: something a bit secluded but also safe. It's also a touch mysterious and mythical, so it conveys the right mood of both privacy and magic. He's stepping out of time and place with Luce to show her the truth of her past and present. Yeah, he's way better at picking nice date spots. Sorry, Cam, but it's no contest.