Southern Charm and Southern Gothic Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There was a row of pretty stained-glass windows, with only a few broken panels, spanning the walls near niches along the wall. A diving board had been installed where the alter probably used to be. If Luce had not been raised agnostic, but rather as a God-fearing churchgoer, like the rest of her friends in elementary school, she might have thought this place was sacrilegious. (6.37)

Inside the church-nasium, Luce is almost awestruck by the strange mixture of beauty and utility. Luce, in fact, uses the pool for contemplation when Daniel's roundabout behavior gets to be too much for her and she needs to clear her head.

Quote #5

She followed Cam to the bottom of a bowl-like graveyard and the more ornate tombs and mausoleums. On the slope above, the headstones seemed to be looking down at them, like Luce and Cam were performers in an amphitheater. The midday sun glowed orange through the leaves of a giant oak tree in the cemetery, and Luce shaded her eyes with her hands. (7.32)

At this moment, when Luce is in the cemetery with Cam, there's an atmosphere of presentation and performance. The fact that Cam takes her out in the middle of the day also speaks to his attitude and personality: he's flashy and personable, and he's comfortable being the center of attention. After all, the cemetery isn't an entirely private place for them to hang out.

Quote #6

Luce let Daniel lead her past the scrutinizing gaze of the girls and the little grove of half-rotted peach trees, around the back of the old church-gym. They were coming up on a forest of gorgeously twisted live oak trees, which Luce never would have guessed her tucked away there…

Now she was going into the bosky woods, the dark under the thick foliage pierced every so often by a small shaft of light from above. The stench of rich, dank muddle filled the air, and Luce suddenly knew there was water nearby. (8.106-107)

When they go out together, Daniel takes Luce takes to a secluded place, somewhere serene and lush, private and secluded—but also safe. There are no prying eyes, not even from statues, and that speaks to Daniel's personality. Unlike Cam, Daniel prefers to be away from the spotlight.