Religion Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Speaking of waiting for the right time," he said, "I was out the other day and saw this." He produced a small red velvet jewelry box and held it open for Luce to see.

Penn nudged around Luce's shoulder so she could get a look.

Inside, a think gold chain held a small circular pendant with a carved line down its middle and a small serpent head at the tip. (10.10-12)

More serpent imagery from Cam—surprise, surprise. This scene brings full circle how snakelike Cam really is: he's trying to charm Luce with trinkets, and while the idea of giving someone you like a gift is a nice gesture, the snake imagery is too much for us. #overit

Quote #8

"Oh yes, historians have traced them back to the Middle Ages. They were…A sort of research cluster, to put it in modern layperson's terms. They specialized in a certain type of fallen-angel folklore." (14.47)

If this isn't the biggest clue of all, it's second only to Daniel actually hearing Luce say he's a fallen angel. Miss Sophia's setting down some huge hints here—not only about Daniel's secrets, but also about the fact that she knows what they are and might very well be involved herself. Never invite Miss Sophia to any type of game involving secrecy and deception; she'll be universally bad at it.

Quote #9

She didn't want to glance back when she sensed the shadows spilling out of the door of the bar and brewing in the air. But the, she didn't have to. They flowed in a steady stream over her head, sucking up all the light in their path. It was as if the whole world were being torn to pieces right before her eyes. A rotting sulfur stench stuck in her nose, worse than anything she knew. (15.92)

If anything conjures up images of hell more than shadows and the stench of sulfur spilling out of a bar, please call to let us know, because we don't think anything can top this imagery conveying Cam's own self-damnation.