Religion Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What about your faith in the power of transformation?" Cam asked, fingering the shed skin. "That's what we're here for, after all." (7.70)

While not exactly a religious moment, this scene between Cam and Luce has religious undertones—as well as mention of a snake, which is a clear Bible reference. Still skeptical? Let us break it down. They're in a sort of garden, Cam has just fed Luce an apple, and now he's holding a snakeskin. Garden of Eden, anyone? On top of that, Cam's question about transformation might have more to do with his hope that Luce will rewrite her love story and join his side instead of Daniel's, which is all the more sinister when we consider that by spending time with Cam, Luce doesn't really know what she's signing up for.

Quote #5

"Can't live on bread alone, can you?" [Cam] asked. (9.14)

This is a direct reference to a line from the Bible, a line that appears in different places and in different iterations, but the gist is that humans need more than just the basic necessities—they need meaning, too. Here, Cam is using the quote jokingly—he's offering Luce worldly goods beyond the basic ones. Yeah, Cam, the Bible certainly wasn't pushing for more materialism…

Quote #6

Luce…Lucifer…any relation? (9.24)

First of all, Molly isn't clever at all. But the note that she passes Luce—whose name is really Lucinda, thank you, Molly—has greater implications than even Luce knows. Molly might just be trying to be snide, but by connecting Luce to the #1 fallen angel, she's implying that Luce is intertwined in all of this. Spoiler: she is.