Lucinda (Luce) Price Quotes

"Callie," she said, sighing into the phone, "I gotta go. I'll call again as soon as—" But by then there was just the vague buzz of a dial tone in her ear. The phone itself had been rigged to cap each call at fifteen minutes. Now she saw the tiny timer blinking 0:00 on its base. They hadn't even gotten the chance to say goodbye and now she'd have to wait another whole week to call. Time stretched out in Luce's mind like an endless gulf. (5.29)

It stinks to have limited phone time. Sometimes you just want to chill on the phone with your BFF and chat about all the things that are going on in your life, especially when you're in a new place with no one else to talk to. Luce, we feel your pain.

It was agonizing for Luce to accept that she would have to settle for whispering a few last words to her friend inside the chapel. All she could think to say was "You're with your father now. I know he's happy to have you back."

Daniel would bury Penn properly as soon as the school calmed down—and Luce would show him where Penn's father's grave was so Penn could be laid to rest at his side. It was the very least she could do. (20.5-6)

The feels. Oh, the feels. As if Penn's death didn't do us in enough when it happened, we now get this eulogy for Penn from Luce before she's forced to leave Sword & Cross. And to mention Penn's father? We repeat: oh, the feels.