Lucinda (Luce) Price Quotes

"I can't afford the luxury of seriously considering someplace else. Sword & Cross is"—she paused—"pretty much a last-ditch effort for me."

"Come on," Daniel said.

"You wouldn't know—"

"I would." He sighed. "There's always another stop, Luce." (12.82-85)

Yeah, Daniel, use that double language to vaguely hint at the fact that Luce has been reincarnating for her entire existence. On the other hand, dude is totally trying to remind her that she's better than the situation she finds herself in.

"The only thing I don't understand is what on earth you're doing with me. Because I'm just…me." She looked up at the sky again, feeling the black spells of the shadows. "And I'm guilty of so much." (18.41)

Here we see Luce's sense of self-worth…yeah, she has none. She's been carrying around the weight of Trevor's and Todd's deaths all this time, to the point that she truly thinks she is unworthy of love. No wonder she pushes her parents away.

Sheepishly, her father held up a colorful patchwork quilt and a large briefcase-style contraption made of wicker that Luce had never seen before. Usually, when they picnicked, it was a much more casual affair, with paper grocery bags and an old ripped sheet thrown down on the grass by the canoe trail outside their house.

"Pickled okra?" Luce asked in a voice that sounded very much like little-kid Luce. No one could say her parents weren't trying.

Her dad nodded. "And sweet tea, and biscuits with white gravy. Cheddar grits with extra jalapenos, just the way you like 'em." (13.18-20)