Light and Shadow Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was as if a violet glow illuminated his path back through the forest. Like the violet glow she had seen during the library fire. (12.128-129)

Just in case you needed another hint, we provided two. The radioactive spider guess is still on the table, but considering this wing imagery, it seems possible that he might be a radioactive swarmer ant, too. Or, you know, just your average fallen angel.

Quote #8

She couldn't really make out her features in the mud-flecked windowpane, but the gold pendant gleamed on her warm skin. She pressed her hand to it. It was lovely." (15.41)

The glow from the pendant that Cam gives Luce is meant to allure and entice her—and it does its job. This scene plays into the idea of Cam as a seducing tempter, luring Luce with shiny things and false promises to make her feel wanted. Personally, we think Cam is trying to buy his way into Luce's heart, and he finds out quickly how well that goes over.

Quote #9

Cam stepped into the clearing. His eyes were rimed with a thick, shimmering gold shadow, and it shone on his face in the moonlight, making him look like a wildcat. (18.88)

Finally, we begin to see the supernatural side of Cam: he's now flecked with a touch of gold, like Daniel has been this whole time. It's a drastic contrast for his image, but it does convey that now his fallen angel status is coming even further to the surface—and that maybe his motives are a bit more sinister than we initially thought.