Light and Shadow Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We had to talk about the shadows eventually, those dripping, whispering cretins that follow Luce around and wreak havoc wherever they go. They just seem extra oppressive in this scene, mingling with the smoke from the fire—which makes us wonder if they have the capacity to start fires, because that's totally something they would do, and that would explain a lot.

Quote #5

Then there was a jagged stroke of light, something that looked like a tree trunk with branches—no, like a torso with long, broad limbs. A pulsing, almost violet column of light hovering over them. It made Luce think, absurdly, of Daniel. (10.147)

A complete juxtaposition against the shadows that were present only moments before, this glowing purple radiance saves Todd and Luce from the burning library. Luce probably thinks of Daniel because…maybe it was Daniel? Dun dun dun. Too bad Daniel couldn't be bothered to actually save Todd, but whatever, we quibble.

Quote #6

There was only a little light left in the day. Luce felt a stabbing regret at wasting the sunset, as if there were anything she could do to stop it. Somehow she knew these final rays of light were as precious as the last drops of honey in a jar. (11.3)

Not only does this moment count as a nod to the scene at the library, but it also suggests that something about Luce is changing. If Daniel really is producing this bioluminescent glow behind him and is not a comet or a radioactive spider, then there's totally something supernatural going on with him.