Esperanza Rising Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There were only ten wooden toilet stalls for hundreds of people and Esperanza could smell the effects from the truck. Some people lived in tents but others had only burlap bags stretched between poles [...] (11.72)

When Esperanza visits the strikers' camp, she sees for herself that things could indeed be worse. The people living there don't have any sort of permanent shelters at all—just tents and some outhouses.

Quote #8

"We were thrown out of our camp because I was striking. My family has not eaten in two days. There are too many people coming into the valley each day who will work for pennies. Yesterday I worked all day and made less than fifty cents and I cannot buy food for one day with that." (11.76)

Imagine being so poor that you can't even buy food for one day with your wages. Makes you feel pretty grateful for what you have, right? Esperanza, too.