Esperanza Rising Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"But why does Carmen need to take care of the beggar at all?" said Esperanza. "Look. Only a few yards away is the farmer's market with carts of fresh food." (5.97)

This is a classic rich-girl moment on Esperanza's part. She can't understand how anyone could starve when there's plenty of food lying around.

Quote #5

"There is a Mexican saying: 'Full bellies and Spanish blood go hand in hand.' [...] Have you never noticed?" he said, sounding surprised. "Those with Spanish blood, who have the fairest complexions in the land, are the wealthiest."

Miguel points out to Esperanza that the issues of poverty and race are totally connected in Mexican society. Do they see examples of this when they get to the United States, too?

Quote #6

"They work wherever there is something to be harvested. Those camps, the migrant camps, are the worst."

"Like when we were in El Centro?" said Isabel.

"Worse," said Josefina.


Esperanza tried to imagine conditions that were more shabby than this room that was covered in newspaper to keep out the wind. Could things possibly be worse? (8.65-67, 74)

It's tough out there for a migrant worker. Esperanza has seen her share of poverty, and even she can't imagine the worst of it.