A Doll's House Torvald Helmer Quotes

HELMER: "Do you know, when I am out at a party with you like this, why I speak so little to you […] It is because I make believe to myself that we are secretly in love." (3.139)

It's telling that Torvald's fantasies relegate his feelings for Nora to secret infatuation.

HELMER: "Now you have destroyed all my happiness. You have ruined all my future." (3.238)

After Torvald finds out the truth, all he seems to be worried about is himself. Does this mean he never really loved Nora?

Torvald Helmer

Quote 24

HELMER: "Empty. She is gone. (A hope flashes across his mind.) The most wonderful thing of all—?" (3.381)

Has Torvald come to understand what real love is in this last moment, or is it something else entirely?