A Doll's House Torvald Helmer Quotes

HELMER: "What is this? Someone has been at the lock. […] Here is a broken hairpin. Nora, it is one of yours."
NORA: (quickly) Then it must have been the children—" (3.198-3.201)

Down to the very end, Nora lies to her husband. We wonder why she still keeps it up by this point. He's going to find out everything in about thirty seconds anyway.

HELMER: "I ought to have foreseen it. All your father's want of principle—be silent!—all your father's want of principle has come out in you." (3.236)

Where else in the play are there ideas of inherited guilt?

HELMER: "What a horrible awakening! All these eight years—she who was my joy and pride—a hypocrite, a liar—worse, worse—a criminal!" (3.236)

The fact that Nora did all these things for him seems to be completely lost on Torvald.