Secrets Quotes in Divergent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Oh, they can see and hear. They just aren't processing what they see and hear the same way," says Eric. "They receive commands from our computers in the transmitters we injected them with..." At this, he presses his fingers to the injection site to show the woman where it is. Stay still, I tell myself. Still, still, still. "...and carry them out seamlessly." (33.46)

Here's a hilarious group of lies and manipulations: (1) Jeanine's secret is mind control through the transmitters she secretly put into the Dauntless serum, and (2) Tris's secret is that she's not mind-controlled, which is emphasized by her italic commands to herself to stay still. And there's not even a break—these two secrets are in the same paragraph, which may show us how Tris's secret overpowers Jeanine's and Eric's secret.