Secrets Quotes in Divergent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She launches into the story of our first day, and my body relaxes, but I still feel heavy. I should not lie to my friends. It creates barriers between us, and we already have more than I want. Christina taking the flag. Me rejecting Al. (16.60)

Tris is new to this whole friends thing and new to keeping secrets and new to Dauntless. So, this is going to go well, right? Notice how this secret gets lumped in with her competition issues (who gets the flag) and friendship issues (everybody loves Al—except Tris). Secrets are just another thing that separate Tris and her newfound friends.

Quote #5

"A little girl?" scoffs Peter, throwing off Will's hand. "Are you blind, or just stupid? She's going to edge you out of the rankings and out of Dauntless, and you're going to get nothing, all because she knows how to manipulate people and you don't. So when you realize that she's out to ruin us all, you let me know." (21.42)

What do you think Tris looks like from Peter's or Will's perspective? Because we get the story from Tris, we know she's not manipulating people to win the competition. Tris has got lots of secrets, but that's not one of them. But from Will's or Peter's point of view, she could be keeping lots of secrets: she's manipulating people, she's Divergent, she loves a vampire.

Quote #6

"Taunting you? You mean when I threw the knives? I wasn't taunting you," he snaps. "I was reminding you that if you failed, someone else would have to take your place."

I cup the back of my neck with my hand and think back to the knife incident. Every time he spoke, it was to remind me that if I gave up, Al would have to take my place in front of the target. (24.73-4)

The downside to being in Tris's head (and knowing all of her terrible, terrible secrets) is that we don't know any other people's secrets—unless something happens that gives them a chance to tell Tris. But Four wasn't keeping a secret from Tris when he tried to help her; it's just they saw this from different points of view, so they didn't share the same information.