Guilt and Blame Quotes in Divergent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"What makes you think you have the right to shoot someone?" my father says as he follows me up the path. We pass the tattoo place. Where is Tori now? And Christina?

"Now isn't the time for debates about ethics," I say.

"Now is the perfect time," he says, "because you will soon get the opportunity to shoot someone again, and if you don't realize —"

"Realize what?" I say without turning around. "That every second I waste means another Abnegation dead and another Dauntless made into a murderer? I've realized that. Now it's your turn."

"There is a right way to do things."

"What makes you so sure that you know what it is?" I say.

"Please stop fighting," Caleb interrupts, his voice chiding. "We have more important things to do right now." (37.98-104)

Honestly, the only person we disagree with here is Caleb. They are invading the Dauntless compound and may have to kill people (or die) to save lives? This is the perfect time for an ethical debate. It could save you a whole lot of guilt later.