Justice and Judgment Quotes in Dark Places

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Ben didn't help himself either: He had no alibi for the murders; he had a key to the house, which had not been broken into; he'd had a fight with my mother that morning. Also he was kind of a s***. (8.9)

You can't be convicted for being a s***. Or can you? It seems Ben's bad attitude, rather than any actual evidence, is what got him thrown in jail. Was that fair?

Quote #8

"You need to right your wrongs, just like anybody else. And I'm real sorry for the loss of your family, and I'm real sorry for what you've gone through, but now you need to be a grown-up and fix it." (16.56)

Libby was just as much a victim as anyone else. Her family died. She was deceived into giving false testimony. But it's also almost like a superhero origin story. She has to take it upon herself to solve the case once and for all.

Quote #9

So maybe Ben was crazy all by his lonesome. Or maybe he was innocent. (20.6)

It's always in the back of Libby's mind that she might discover Ben is guilty, after all. Maybe she would be fine with that—as long as she gets paid. It seems like people will pay her if they think justice has been served.