Justice and Judgment Quotes in Dark Places

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I reminded myself that Ben was guilty (had to be had to be) (3.166)

Justice is for the living. Figuring out who committed the crime won't bring any of the victims back, but it might provide solace to Libby and to the weirdoes who aren't related to her but are insanely invested in the case.

Quote #5

"I assume you've officially recanted your testimony? I'd think that'd be a huge help." (5.46)

Even though the public believes Libby's testimony was coached, in order to help Ben get out of jail, she has to go through the official process of recanting it. Justice has to be made official.

Quote #6

Was I really going to go talk to people who might have killed my family? Was I really going to try to solve something? (6.51)

Right here is the turning point for Libby, the point at which she decides to find the actual killer and bring him or her to justice.